Gentrack Integration Resources


Error Logs

While undelivered events are staying in the queue awaiting on delivery, you can see a list of current synchronisation errors and initiate delivery retry manually.

  1. On the My Connectors page select a Connector.
  2. Under your Connector’s name click on Synchronisation Error Logs.
  3. Choose a synchronisation direction - Salesforce for Salesforce to Gentrack object synchronisation or Core System for Gentrack to Salesforce object synchronisation by clicking on the respective tab.
  4. Select a time range: to show last 24 hours / 7 days / 1 month / 3 months.
  5. You will see a list of all the errors that remain unresolved in the selected time range.
  6. Some errors are re-attempted automatically, and the Retry button is disabled for this type of error. For errors that require user intervention, you can initiate another delivery attempt by clicking the Retry button on the right of an error record.

Alert Emails

Not only are synchronisation errors displayed in the Error Logs page but also can be sent via email. To subscribe to the alerts do the following:

  1. Once a Connector has been selected, under your Connector’s name click on Alert Emails.
  2. Click on Add Email button.
  3. In the Add Email dialog, specify the email address and click Add Email.
  4. Repeat the steps above if you wish to subscribe more email addresses.

An alert email will be sent once a day if there is at least one synchronisation error.

This setting applies for a selected Connector only, therefore repeat the subscription steps if you wish to be automatically notified about synchronisation errors occurred with other Connectors.

Connector Health Check

Test Connection to Core System

Refer to Test Connection to Core System for instructions.

Test Connection to Salesforce

You can validate the connection between Salesforce Sales Cloud Connector and your Salesforce instances by using Test Connection functionality.

  1. Navigate to My Connectors under Connectors, find your Connector in the table and click on it.
  2. On the Salesforce Basic Information page, click on the Test Connection button.
  3. Thereupon, the Salesforce credentials and URL will be validated.

Validate Data Model

Accuracy of the data model is essential for data synchronisation between Gentrack billing system and Salesforce. To validate the data model, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Salesforce Basic Information page and click the Validate Data Model button.
  2. Once complete - it may take up to several seconds - you will see the validation result. All errors in objects or attributes, if any, will be displayed on top of the dialog.

Any data mismatches must be resolved to allow successful data synchronisation.


Invalid Replay ID Issue

The Salesforce Sales Cloud Connector subscribes to Salesforce Platform Events via Salesforce Streaming API. Salesforce Stream API has mechanisms to ensure message reliability and message durability.

Each Salesforce Platform Event has a unique Replay ID which can be used by the subscriber to track and replay any possible missing events, within the 24-hour retention period. The Salesforce Sales Cloud Connector keeps tracking the value of Replay ID to make sure it receives new events without missing any events due to network connectivity issues.

However, in very rare cases, it has been noticed that the retention period gets reset in Salesforce, and it results in the Invalid Replay ID error, as below. When this happens, the Salesforce Sales Cloud Connector will not be able to receive any new events.

The replayId {replay_id} you provided was invalid. Please provide a valid ID, -2 to replay all events, or -1 to replay only new events.

Refer to Streaming API Error Codes for more details.

Auto-Recovery & Possible Impact

Once the error is detected by the Salesforce Sales Cloud Connector, the value of Replay ID will be automatically reset to -2 in order to replay all events from the new retention period. Since the retention period has been reset, no events from the previous retention period can be replayed. Therefore, events from the previous retention period that were NOT received by the Salesforce Sales Cloud Connector, if there is any, will be lost.

Other Issues

Because of the distributed nature of different software applications it is not always possible to call services synchronously, so when one of the systems is unavailable or in an error state requests are queued and reattempted later. We classify issues into two types:

Automated Retry ErrorsManual Retry Errors
  • Events are automatically retried every two minutes for up to a maximum of 1,000 attempts.
  • Common causes include: temporary connection issues to Salesforce/Core System or other recoverable problems.
  • The Retry button on the Developer Portal is disabled for these type of errors while the events are being retried.
  • Once the automatic retry stops, the Retry button on the Developer Portal will become available to users for manual retry.
  • Events are removed from the queue and saved in a data store. It will not be automatically retried. A user needs to click the Retry button on the Developer Portal to retry processing.
  • Manual-retry errors are usually caused by data issues (e.g. invalid phone number, invalid account, etc.).
  • Has a label (Salesforce: or Velocity:) in front to indicate which system reported the error.

Below are some common errors you might encounter:

Error MessagePotential Cause(s)ImpactNext Steps
Salesforce: invalid_grant - authentication failureInvalid Salesforce Service Account username or password
  • Subscription to Salesforce Platform Events will fail and no events will be processed.
  • Synchronisation will fail.
Update Salesforce service account credentials in the connector configuration.
Salesforce: invalid_client - invalid client credentialsInvalid Salesforce Connected App consumer secret
  • Subscription to Salesforce Platform Events will fail and no events will be processed.
  • Synchronisation will fail.
Update Salesforce consumer secret in the connector configuration.
Salesforce: invalid_client_id - client identifier invalidInvalid Salesforce Connected App consumer key
  • Subscription to Salesforce Platform Events will fail and no events will be processed.
  • Synchronisation will fail.
Update Salesforce consumer key in the connector configuration.
Velocity: Invalid WSDL URL: [core-system-url] Code: 401Invalid Core System service account credentials.Synchronisation will fail.Update Core System service account credentials in the billing tenant configuration.
Velocity: Invalid WSDL URL: [core-system-url] Code: 503Core System is unavailable.Synchronisation will fail.
  • Check Core System to make sure it is still running.
  • Check the network between Data Gateway and Core System to make sure they are connected.
Last updated on 24 Nov 2024